Coatings Technology Blog
Coin-Counting Machine Manufacturer Keeps the Cash Flowing With Nedox

For businesses that deal with large amounts of coins, there's no better way to process them than a coin-counting machine. These machines can count and sort faster than humans for greater efficiency plus labor savings. Thanks to sensors and other digital components, today's coin-counting machines are exceedingly accurate and eliminate human error. Yet despite these practical advantages, coin-counting machines are not without problems. For example, worn-out metal parts can slow the flow of coins through the machine or interrupt the flow altogether.
A company that manufactures coin-counting machines for high-count, frequent-use applications approached Magnaplate to help address this very dilemma. One of its customers had trouble with a machine model that has a hopper with finger-like elements that help funnel the coins into their respective chutes for counting. The chrome coating applied to the fingers usually wears out in less than six months — an insufficient length of time for the customer's requirements.
To address the wear issues for the coin counter, we coated the test fingers with Nedox®. A surface treatment that adds durability to base metals, Nedox improves physical properties to provide superior protection against abrasive wear, sticking, galling and corrosion. In fact, it enables the base metal to outperform and outwear chrome and even stainless steel.
In addition, Nedox also:
- Dramatically increases surface hardness up to Rc 68 — better than hard chrome plate solutions.
- Resists static buildup.
- Self-lubricates for extended wear protection.
- Offers low coefficient of friction (CoF) for a smooth, slippery surface.
- Eliminates sticking and product "hang-up."
- Won't chip, peel or flake off.
Count On Magnaplate Surface Treatments
These features make Nedox an ideal coating choice for applications in which metal machine parts make frequent contact with moving metallic materials — as is the case with automated coin-counters. The Nedox-coated coin-moving fingers have been functioning well, without suffering from wear, for more than 10 months, and the coin-counting machine manufacturer is considering Nedox for all future machines that implement the finger-like appendage.
When critical metal parts need protection from threats such as wear, and their reliability maximized, you can count on Magnaplate surface treatments.
For more information about Nedox, visit our product page.